Sally Jervis
MBACP, BA (hons) Person-Centred Therapist
Creator of the YouTube channel 
The Listening Room Diaries 
Tel : +44 (0) 744 695 2292            

Through my training and working experience as a qualified Person-Centred Counsellor and registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP), I have had the honour to work with and alongside clients through UK services, charities and privately.  

I therapeutically work with teens, young people and adults  through their varied challenges and changes in life. From their mental, physical or emotional health through to their identity, self-care and lifestyle experiences.

I believe and honour that each of my clients are experts of their own experiences, all unique, tender and personal to them. Equally I completely understand that deciding to go to counselling can come at a time in your life when you have never felt more disconnected from yourself or those around you and the mere fact of trying to find a counsellor may feel completely overwhelming right now. 

It's OK to not feel OK and not know what to do, like all hope is gone.

Life can be beautiful and amazing and at other times it can pull the rug right from under your feet with completely no warning. Presenting us with situations that trigger pain, overwhelming anxiety and sometimes a feeling of pure desperation as if we are completely alone. 

Counselling offers you a confidential and non-judgemental space to unpack and repack your story. An opportunity to just talk about exactly how you feel (even if you're not quite sure yet) to someone who is trained and experienced in listening and  providing professional psychological support. 

A space that is yours, to replant, nurture and grow your hope.

Please feel free to drop me a line or make contact.
I look so forward to walking this journey with you.

Take care until then,